Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm Odd, so what else is new?

I am Odd, not just odd, as in, a little strange, I am Odd in a capital "O" kind of way, in an "eats paint" kind of way (though I don't really eat paint, that's not odd, it's unhealthy).

But I am Odd...

Today we have a faculty candidate visiting which is sure to take up most, if not all of my day, and Friday we have another, and next Tuesday yet another. So things at work will be crazy and I will be annoyed because it is my favorite time of year amd I am stuck here pushing paperwork for some lame academics and academic wannabes. As an academic wannabe myself, that's probably an odd statement but not odd in the capital "O" kind of way, just in the a little strange kind of way.

Coincidentally, this was also the day I had planned to go to NYC and see my friend A. I love A, she is a dear person who is beautiful and talented, but also so sweet that one never feels inferior to her, even though nearly everyone clearly is. No, if you knew her, you'd know what I mean.

So, I have said all this, mostly to say this:

I'd rather be on a plane to New York right now.

God, I hate my shameless wanderlust.

1 comment:

cdkscully said...

You need a duck umbrella! :)