Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Academicians and their effing mind games...

In which I roll my eyes and get my feathers ruffled over one more arrogant bastard in academia. I just received the following email from a faculty member regarding an attempt to get into their class:

Dear Full First and last Name:

Besides the room-size difficulty of there being no more seats at the table, entering the class after missing the first meeting is not advisable. The first meeting is the one in which I spend all 2 hours and 40 minutes lecturing on all that the students will need to know to make it through the course. You missed that, and there's no way to make it up. No one who has missed the first class has ever earned a very good grade in the course, and most fail or eventually drop out.. In addition, the course has a one-cut limit, which you've already used up., You couldn't ever miss another class without additional consequences to your grade. I tell you all this because I want to make sure you understand the position that missing the first class has put you in.

I assigned many short stories to be read for the next class period. From the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, 7th edition, you will have to have read the stories that start on pages 65, 96, 206, 250, 585, 520, 661, 666, 862, 1002, 1188, 1201, 1212, 1492, 1512, 1535, 1550. If you do decide to remain in the class, make sure you have read all these stories before class. Be prepared to discuss them.


I beat him at his own game though... I was so kind, I even offered to find a larger meeting room. Take that you cranky wanker!

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